
In search of the ultimate truth, I found that our environment- the Earth- is the one thing we must protect in order to live fulfilling lives and to protect the ones we care about it.

I learned that all of the seemingly little decisions we make each day often have an unseen ripple effect.

I saw how this manifested in social inequality and lives misaligned with our values. I saw how we may talk about being grateful but wondered how we could be if we didn’t see our actions honestly.

After studying Environmental Science in college, I spent 12 years working for a sustainability NGO, the U.S. Green Building Council.

After working at that scale and people focused on buildings and neighborhoods, I wanted to teach people minimalism from a sustainability point of view so our everyday lifestyles could more closely correlate with our desire to protect the planet we live on.

Today, I continue to learn about and experiment with sustainability practices to incorporate in my life and my clients’ lives.


My Personal Practice

I don’t think of sustainability as something extra that I do. It’s weaved into my thought process when making everyday decisions, part and parcel to minimalism.




Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin

I read this before I ever heard the term minimalism.

Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey

Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold




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