
Minimalism is a lens for creating an honest, full, and meaningful life. While I’ve always been an organized person and interested in efficiency, I came to minimalism before it was “a thing.” It was a natural evolution for me as incorporated sustainability into my life and saw the freedom that living lightly allowed.

Minimalism isn’t a dogma. It requires us to ask tough questions and do so honestly. When approached with this attitude, the result is living your most authentic, meaningful life.

Minimalism is my approach to all things in my life: stuff I own, how I buy, how I let go, where I live, personal finances, life administration, and everything else that makes up my 24/7.

After repeatedly seeing the people around me struggle needlessly, I dedicated myself to helping people not only organize themselves but get to the heart of what they really want and need through my business, Less Equals More.


Less Equals More

I launched Less Equals More to help people simplify while enriching their lives. When you do the real work and change your mindset, keeping an organized home and lifestyle is easy. With less distraction, you have room for more meaning in your life.

Sign up for my newsletter to stay in touch and receive my free e-book, The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Home.

TEDx Talk

In 2018, I was honored to present my unique views on minimalism, and how to unpack our social mores when they lead us toward inauthentic lives.

In The Darker Side of Gift Giving, I deconstruct our well-meaning but misguided decision-making regarding gift giving. And how minimalism can help us truly be generous.


Want to explore Meaningful Minimalism?

Join my Meaningful Minimalism Facebook Group to connect with others leaning into this lifestyle. Ask questions, celebrate wins, and learn about resources!


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